Cracking Good Food
Cookery Schools | Community Cooking | Catering & Business Initiatives
Sharing cooking skills and our love of good food for all communities, fighting for
sustainable food security across Greater Manchester and beyond.
“Everyone deserves good food”

As a social enterprise our aim is to encourage and support people to cook affordable, seasonal and nutritious homemade food from scratch. Driven by our belief that EVERYONE DESERVES GOOD FOOD, our mission is simple: to alleviate food, fuel and kitchen kit poverty and increase food security in Greater Manchester and beyond.
Empowering affordable, accessible, sustainable and enjoyable cooking-from-scratch across some of Greater Manchester’s most side-lined communities.
Breadmaking, Cantonese, Pasta, Japanese, Foraging and so much more! Bookings support core running costs enabling us to work in communities.
Anytime, anywhere! Food brings people together, we would love to cook with you.
At Cracking Good Food we are extremely mindful of the horrific amount of food waste created within our food systems, and the huge impact that has on our wallets, our diets and the environment.

Co-operative and collaborative working
Flexibility and enthusiasm
Integrity and honesty
Care for customers as well as food
Respect for our environment
Supporting the local economy
Fair pay
Constructive self-criticism for organisational improvement
Sustainability, as individuals, as an organisation and in a wider context