University Research & Collaborations

Facilitating links between the communities we support and interdisciplinary researchers to

transform the UK food system.

Whilst we are driven to create pathways for everyone to gain access to good healthy food, we recognise that the barriers of low finance, poverty, poor housing, geography, education, lifestyle circumstance and insufficient support can prevent many from accessing what should be a basic right.

At Cracking Good Food we provide practical skills and nutritional knowledge to inspire a passion for cooking from scratch and through our Kitchen Kit Call Out initiative, we supply preloved cooking equipment to communities where lack of equipment is preventing people from cooking from scratch. However, to help fulfil our mission, collaborating with 3rd and voluntary sector organisations, suppliers and local government is essential, as is gaining a clearer perspective of the barriers from an academic understanding.

Healthy Soil, Healthy Food, Healthy People (H3)

The project is a part of the UKRI ‘Transforming the UK Food System for Healthy People and a Healthy Environment SPF Programme’. As part of (WP5) Increase Fibre Consumption, we will facilitate opportunities to increase the consumption of fibre with its attendant health and sustainability benefits. Dates – January 2022 to December 2023

Academic Team Lead:

  • Louise Dye – Professor of Nutrition and Behaviour at the Human Appetite Research Unit, School of Psychology, University of Leeds.

Working with:

  • Katie Adolphus – Research Fellow in the Human Appetite Research Unit at the School of Psychology, University of Leeds.
  • Neil Boyle -Research Fellow at the School of Psychology, University of Leeds.
  • Bernard Corfe – Professor of Human Nutrition and Health at Newcastle University.
  • Peter Jackson – Professor of Human Geography at the University of Sheffield and co-Director of the University’s flagship Institute for Sustainable Food.
  • Claire Lawton – Associate Professor of Bio Psychology in the Human Appetite Research Unit, School of Psychology at the University of Leeds.
  • Alan Mackie – Professor of Colloidal Chemistry in the School of Food and Nutrition at the University of Leeds.
  • Christian Reynolds – Senior Lecturer in the Centre for Food Policy at City, University of London.

Thanks to the Healthy Soil, Healthy Food and Healthy People (H3) project, part of the Transforming UK Food Systems SPF programme for their support. Find more information on the project here.

N8 Food Agri Academic Outreach & Research Working to ensure sustainable, resilient & healthy food supplies for all.

Our ‘So, you think you can cook?’ project was designed to help unpack the impact and potential of social cooking for communities from low-income back grounds. Being taught cookery skills can empower individuals to be imaginative, resourceful and healthy in their food creations. Studies focused on homelessness, street begging, food-bank use and financial difficulties faced by older women and developed a pilot tool for helping older people with their nutrition.

University Partners: University of Manchester & University of Newcastle and The University of Sheffield.

Feedback from participants who attended the programme:

  • ‘I’m usually very basic with just basil but I’ve introduced paprika.’
  • ‘I did some chicken the other day, some roast chicken thighs, took the skin off and that. I covered it with pepper and paprika.’
  • ‘I did some roast vegetables and put paprika and rosemary in it. So I am gradually introducing new bits.’

Should you wish to gain further information, please do not hesitate to contact