Cookery School Leaders

Neha – Cooking Lead
About Neha
How are you involved in the CGF work?
I moved to the UK along with my husband after studying Biotechnology in Germany and India. I am passionate about the health qualities and nutritional benefits many of the Indian spices give and enthusiastically share my knowledge through South and North Indian dishes. I have written over 20 national and international publications and am an author of a number of books. I am a great believer in ‘Health is Wealth’.
What are your food inspirations?
Growing up I was always inclined towards cooking, but only got a chance to really explore cooking & different dishes fully in Germany. Now my 5-year-old son inspires me a lot to make lots of new dishes which are full of nutrition and health benefits.
What do you do in your spare time?
In my spare time, I always think about new and interesting dishes with vegetables, which looks boring for kids. Also, I try to make people aware people about nutrition and how to boost immunity.